Healer, to Thine Own Self Be Happy

by Rick DiClemente I guess you could say, “What’s in the air?” What’s “causing” this current obsession for so many to suddenly be concerned about finding their calling, or mission in life. It’s happening everywhere. Actually, it’s because we’re ready. The two planets that are symbolizing this New Age are Chiron and Neptune in Pisces … Read more

After the Cross, the Breakthrough

Rick DiClemente’s Starself Newsletter
Volume 101, May, 2014

I almost said, “The Resurrection,” but that’s not really true. Plus it sounds way too “Christian,” which is not what it was. However, it is indeed a resurrection for many. It was necessary to give the Cardinal Grand Cross of 4/23/14 about a week in order to look in our rear-view mirror to see just how grand it was. And it was.

The breakthrough has happened.

And I do mean for everyone. That doesn’t mean we all got wonderful presents, or lumps of coal, so stick with me here for a bit. You must understand that the basis of the cross was and is the Uranus square to Pluto. This is what has been causing tumultuous changes on just about every level across the globe. Also, keep in mind that the USA’s Sun is positioned at the 13th degree of Cancer, directly in line with the Cross. So, there are many layers to understand and grok. I will try to keep it simple for everyone; I know how convoluted astrology really is. Remember, do NOT get too focused upon what happened concretely to you, i.e., job, money, house, car, etc. Keep a wider perspective on YOU. How YOU have cracked open the shell that you were once contained within – perhaps for a long time.

The breakthrough, or as I like to call it, the “crack” has occurred. Don’t get all excited if it appears that your life is same-old, same-old, hang in there with me for a few minutes. Don’t be too quick to say, “Nothing happened to me!”

The reason I refer to the “crack” is because in a lot of ways, one of the planets in the Cross was and is Uranus in Aries. In many ways, it was the most noticeable planet of the four. We can say that it speaks well for all of the tension of the whole Cross which is made up of Jupiter in Cancer, Mars going backwards in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn as well as Uranus in fiery Aries. More to the point, it may be better to say that Uranus ACTS for the whole Cross. And, what does Uranus do? It breaks through tedium, obstacles or anything that blocks evolution, growth and expression.

No matter what you think or do, you cannot block these archetypal forces.
The dandelion will force its way through the asphalt.

The main aspect of this Cross was and is: (since it’s still active) were you going to help it or resist it? Lord help you if you resisted it – that’s when we saw large crevices, not mere cracks.

Look around, and in almost every case, people are breaking through. They have become READY to express the pent-up or repressed self that has been lying dormant. In many cases, it was so for years or even decades. The more repressed it was, the more distorted was the expression – even to the point of rage and violence.

Uranus and its partners have been saying, “Enough already!” We all knew, on all levels, something had to give.

Many people had unpleasantries happen recently, but in just about all cases, the outcome matched how people really felt. Whether it was quitting your job, leaving a relationship, jumping into a relationship, changing residence, facing the music about any situation you have been hung up in…. One person I know had a crack open up in his calf muscle simply because he would not move on with his life (Uranus rules the lower leg and circulation.) Many people had big fights; many gave up on others; some gave up trying to save someone else and a whole lot of people simply faced the fact that they weren’t responsible for another’s happiness. At the same time, many liberated themselves and were ready inside to do so. That’s a much more accurate portrayal of Uranian energy.

This whole situation is far from over and is happening because the self wants OUT. And, it turns out to be that, as a whole, we’re not very good at respecting that fact. We’ve been taught incorrectly. Better to say, we haven’t been taught how to deal with ourselves. Just now are people getting free of educational and religious dogma – it took centuries, and now many of us are ready. It truly is a new age.

Do not be dismayed if you think that you missed the boat. You most likely didn’t. Perhaps you feel that you are still “stuck” in a job or relationship that is no longer fruitful for you. Look closer; use a wider angle lens and you’ll see that the crack DID happen and that was around the time of the Cross. Maybe you didn’t move out, but you moved to a different room in your mind and heart. Maybe you didn’t change jobs but you did start to make realistic, productive steps towards your liberation. The fact is that the cross happened inside of all of us and in the collective. Look closer. We are all connected. And to many, that scares the daylights out of us! No more control! (We never did have any – it was always imagined.) Now, that sounds like a Grand Cross with four planets all at the same degree!

The “forces” have realigned inside of yourself because 88% of us are not Aries (or approximately 6.1 billion people) and this largely Arian Cross gave us the go-ahead, the permission to not only be ourselves but made us feel ready to overcome any and all obstacles. It is astounding how so many people are simply looking for the tiniest of comments from who-knows-who in order to be interpreted as “permission to be themselves.” To someone gifted with a major chunk of Aries energy, there is no way they can understand that way of non-being. (Nike’s “Just Do It” slogan debuted in 1988 on a day when there was a T-square to Mars.)

Its aftermath is showing up in many ways if you know how to look for it: Japan is giving up commercial whaling. The Navy is looking into powering itself with seawater. Agree or not, some citizens are taking their stand and fighting back against what they believe is a repressive government. Political parties have rarely if ever been more polarized. The public is strongly revolting against current systems of health care, the practices of food production companies and farming techniques, zoos and the general treatment of animals, the curtailing of bullies: bully people, bully companies, bully countries. You just name it. It’s happening everywhere. One of the by-products of releasing ourSELVES is that we will no longer stand for the repressive treatment of others. And, we’ve become sick and tired of being lied to by big business or big government. Millions seek their own healing remedies; fast-food chains are frantically altering their menus; everyone and their brother wants to be an energy-healer these days and on and on. And everyone is a Reiki Master.

If you are not feeling it, don’t be tempted to play the victim here. We’ve been lying to ourselves; THAT’s the problem, and we all know it. As was said before, the USA can’t be the “leaders of peace” and the biggest weapons suppliers to the world. We are facing our own hypocritical past. Yes, Pluto is opposing the USA’s Sun (our identity) right now. Surveys are showing that in general, Americans want to be less involved in other countries’ business – a healthy sign. What a coincidence? – The position of Chiron, the astrological body that rules “taking care of others but not being able to heal ourselves” was at 20 degrees of ARIES in July of 1776. We are now getting the message. (In actuality, Chiron often times symbolizes a chart that avoids its own problems by hiding behind its desire to “fix” others.)

A general rule for Arian energy is that it is the sign that does not introspect; it just wants what it wants… That leads us to Neptune.

Just like Neptune (and Chiron, both in Pisces), it quietly, but expansively, sits quietly by guiding us towards our more godly self. Look at the recent fiasco that resulted from one person being put to death with chemicals (Neptune) and it didn’t work properly. Much suffering occurred. That HAD to happen because we as a collective are being forced by Neptune to face the spiritual music: do we really mean it when we say we’re a country that doesn’t perform “cruel and unusual punishment”? Are we for real when we say that America doesn’t do “torture.” We don’t, we do “enhanced interrogation techniques.” Did you just hear George Carlin laugh? How many support Sarah Palin when she suggests that we perform water-boarding on terrorist as she has the audacity to compare it to the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. Rationalized cruelty is what it is.

We can’t have both. That is the message here.

Mr. Gandhi told us, we have to be the change we want. We can’t wait for them to do it. Our real crisis now is not from Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter or Mars; it’s from Neptune. We are in the midst of a huge spiritual crisis. And this is good! Why, because we have finally cracked our rigid shells open and have created a breathing space. We now are collectively ready to start living what we have been preaching. As individuals, as families, as villages, as countries and as a planet.

We are no longer swallowing the lies about denying global warming. We care about our planet and we’re saying so. We have had it with corporations owning our country. We have thrown out a racist NBA owner for his Neanderthalic racial attitudes, etc. It’s happening everywhere. One could say, “Thank God”, but really, the astrological equivalent is to say, “Thank Neptune and Chiron in Pisces.” They are behind this resurrection. It’s all the same. We do not bow to the false god of astrology; it is simply one of God’s rhythms.

Actually, it’s not a resurrection. It’s the first time it’s ever occurred. We have to bring our best to the table now, or it’s bye-bye for us, and we can all see that more vividly each day.

So, if your opening has occurred, good for you! It will continue to unfold and more of you will emerge! We have always created our own obstacles. If you haven’t found this recent liberated sense to be the case for yourself, be patient and keep the faith. Your changes may very well be happening deep in your subconscious. One way that this could be symbolized (seriously) is if you are seeing cracks in your basement, in the walls, in the foundation, water leaks… These physical examples reflect how the archetypes work. Do not be shocked if you’re getting a mixture: some apparent advancement is going on at the same time that it “appears” that you are still blocked (holding on).

This certainly is a powerful, scary, turbulent and exciting time. We are suffering, in one way, in direct proportion to how much we have been futilely holding on to the status quo, even if it were toxic. Now, we are waking up.

Some of us are fading away. Some need a different ball field. That’s okay too. I am not an expert in how the soul works. I pray for all of us to find our way. We have broken through though. Give thanks and realize; indeed, Grace continues to descend.

For consultations; live, telephone or Skype, visit Starself.com
Author of “The Exquisite Zodiac”

Starself’s 100th Newsletter! – The Grand Cardinal Cross



Rick DiClemente’s

Astrology Newsletter

Volume 100, April 2014

Yay, this is volume 100!

Pant, pant, pant…


The Grand Cardinal Cross

of April 23, 2014




No, I’ve never seen anything like it.

It is THE most intense concentrated construction of planets I maybe have ever seen.

Why is this so special?

The reason it’s called the “Cardinal” cross is that the four critical planets involved Uranus, Jupiter, Mars and Pluto will all be in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Cardinal signs are leaders and are very powerful.

All four of the planets will be at approximately 13 degrees of their respective signs, an unbelievable occurrence in astrology. Each sign has 30 degrees, and when 1 planet is at 13 and another is opposite it at 17 degrees, let’s say, it has some play, some slack, an “orb” of 4 degrees. But, when they are both at 13 (or as in this case, all four!), it’s like a guitar string that is stretched as tightly as possible before breaking – the tension is at its maximum. The fact that ALL FOUR are at 13 is very foreboding. Too much tension, AND the four are the most “testosterone-filled” of the bunch, i.e., Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto.

You could easily have 10 great astrologers spend a week analyzing this formation and they would all come up with drastically different interpretations. But, they would also see many things the same. Remember, true astrology does not predict events but bespeaks of inclinations and tendencies. What astrology “predicts” is the archetypal outcome, in other words, what type of things are going to happen.

It is not the best use of this article to try to figure out what will happen. Any analysis of even Uranus proves totally unpredictable. Life just has too many surprises for us. The real use of this is to understand what is happening to all of us at the collective and individual level.

We all knew this was coming. Tell me more.

Embedded inside this Grand Cross is the 5th of 7 squares between Uranus and Pluto. These started in 2012 and will end in 2015. Each square has proven to be very stressful, socially-upsetting and has paved the way for a tête-à-tête between the people (Uranus) and the plutocracy (Pluto). I have gone into this story in many past articles. Please see my website for more at Starself.com.

What can I say? We all say, “It’s going to catch up with us someday….”. Nuf said.

Will this all be “bad”?

Absolutely not. I have studied this formation for at least a month and have really given it a great deal of concentration. It will manifest in MANY ways; some will be awful, people will die; it will also be wonderful, people will be liberated. It won’t be calm. Much more later.

Do I have to be afraid? I would expect much fear going on at this time as the unknown is usually unsettling. Many people that I know are saying, “bring it on!”, as if to say, let’s get it started and over with. Well, it will be at least another decade before it’s “over with” (a dangerous concept), but we need to muster our courage – we’ll make it through. There will be so many wonderful things happening too to help us gain faith. The main plus is that we are ready to look up and see each other as helping each other. This is a HUGE TURNING POINT in our planet’s history.

Why will it be so intense? Because:

Mars will be opposite Uranus exactly

Pluto will be opposite Jupiter exactly

Mars will be square (at a right angle to) Uranus exactly

Uranus will be square to Pluto exactly

Jupiter will be square to Mars exactly

Pluto will be square to Mars exactly


All very volatile combinations 

all at the same time


What will be the timing of this? We are already noticing this having been heralded from this past weekend when the New Moon in Aries was with Uranus! A blast of New Age, New Us, you could feel it. This was why the Keys to Living Expo at the Monroeville Convention Center was so special. The entire set of energies will gradually build (like white water rafting) all month and peak between 4/21 and 4/26. Remember, this is not just one big CROSS, this is made up of many smaller, yet explosive, pieces.

On every level, revolution is the word. Why is that?

I’ve been writing so much about this for so long, what is so revolutionary? Well, mainly it’s the Pluto in the background in the Institutional sign of Capricorn. Have you watched any pillars falling recently? Seen any institutions lose their credibility? Lost faith in the Supreme Court? The Boy Scouts? The Congress? Certain Universities? Certain major Religions? Wall Street? Need I go on? There is a good type of revolution and a bad one. We need to put our swords away. Much vile weaponry and poison has been laid upon the body politic by unscrupulous yet carefully planned “news” networks. They (the Plutocracy – the ones with the power) want us to fight each other and keep our focus off of their greed. While they literally rape and pillage the middle and poorer classes of this country, they SEEMINGLY are getting fatter. But, that is an illusion too. Too many entities in this country have an attitude of, “If we’re going down, you’re going down too.” This is no way to run a country. This is no way to run a junk yard. I imagine Mr. Jefferson has quite a migraine.

Where is the revolution? Everywhere! Within ourselves, our families, our community, our country, our civilization; but mainly in our consciousness. That provides our only hope – in our hearts. We all know that too. We don’t need a coup. We don’t need to storm the castle. We need to storm our own castle, or, better yet, our own Holy Temple inside of our souls. We need cooler heads that care for the welfare of all first, including nature and ALL of its inhabitants.

What is likely to happen? Well, on the “bad” side…. Earthquakes, oil spills, violence, more mass-shootings, dramatic fighting with the ARA, the Scouts, the Clergy, the Government, the employers, pseudo legislation, big $$$$ buying government, fixed elections, continued unrest for people who need health care, lack of funding for education, the defunding of the arts, feeble lip-service to the job-training field. And, oh, by the way: are we entering a new Cold War? Worsening of relationships with Cuba, N. Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, et al. Just watch the news. Just what can you count on as far as honesty being reported to you on the news? The news has become big business; owned by too few entities, with very clear OVERT agendas. On and on and an on we go. Too many to mention. Climate change! Minor stuff like that.

So, there’s one place to start your/our revolution. It is time we stand up and talk and fight in a non-violent way for what our children will need, right? The problem, which certain groups planned on and benefitted by, was that they knew we would blame each other. This is one of the most worrisome possible outcomes of the 4/23 Cross; i.e., continuing to point our finger at this or that group violently. I know MANY people getting absolutely sick from all the bad news, poison, disinformation and plain old fear.

This leads us to the plus side! What will that be like?  This critical tense cross with Mars (action), Uranus (revolution and self), Jupiter (optimistic growth) and Pluto (death and rebirth) are pushing us FROM INSIDE TO ACT and in the case of Pluto, find our power.

When Pluto is on you, it is time to own your power, you won’t have any help because you don’t need any help! That’s how Pluto sees it. Frankly, Pluto is and has been done efffing around. I told you all along in terms of the 7 Uranus squares to Pluto which form from 2012-2015; each one would become more intense. And there are 2 more to come, 12/15/14 and finally 3/16/15.

Pluto wants the baggage out of the way so we can evolve.

 So, the revolution will mainly come from within and few of us notice such things; we have been programmed to see it “out in the world”, which, of course, is an illusion. So this is the great happening, and it won’t be over this April. April is another beginning. It’s time to join in groups to help each other. I can’t tell you how many people are feeling the great imperative to become healers and help others in their own special ways.

What will happen to those who resist these energies? They will crack in some way. That’s what Uranus does: bend and go with it, or crack. What do I mean by crack? It can manifest in many ways, strokes, heart-attacks, aneurysms, broken bones, homes, relationships, jobs, brick walls (not kidding); you get the point. This is exactly why I have been encouraging you for months now to get on board the raft and openly take to the rapids! Why? Because that IS the weather report for now. It will calm down later – much later. It’s not time for calm now. It’s time for continued disruption (Uranus) and upheaval (Pluto) and social growth (Jupiter) and above all, action! (Mars.) Keeping with those words we could see volcanic activity and as I believe, the earth itself is rejecting the frakking chemicals it’s being forced to “water-board”.  It’s going to surface – it has too, earth’s job is to heal; and I think it’s safe to say that it is pretty fed up with us.

What will happen to those who go with the energy? A brand new life focusing on the real you. Liberation is the key. More elbow room, more attention, more appreciation, easier communication, more liberty and opportunity; a feeling of being alive and going with life’s flow. A great new energizing! Excitement is the main word that I hear from those who are flying downstream!

Why are there so many healers popping up everywhere – and, of all types? Perfect! What I have found is that these people have been healers before. There is no doubt that Neptune and Chiron in Pisces (not shown in the chart) are intervening to inspire us to rise and look to the heaven within ourselves for our solutions. As we all know, that’s where they lie.

What are each of these planets doing in general?

Keeping it simple:

Pluto in Capricorn, uprooting our policies and institutions, digging up corruption

Uranus in Aries, inspiring us to start anew, with a strong, fresh sense of self

Jupiter in Cancer, is bringing us a new sense of well-being, encouraging us to go forward

Mars in Libra Rx, is causing us to rethink how we use our energy and act in accord

Pluto opposite Jupiter – bringing about social change that empowers all

Uranus opposite Mars – bringing tremendous unrest and impatience to get on with the revolution; tremendous problems with fire-arms, drones, anger, retaliation, etc.

Pluto square Uranus – revisiting all of promises of the Sixties and seeing how well we’ve done

Pluto square Mars – driving us towards action, even at a very dangerous level, these two are very tired of “talking”; they want to see results; very dangerous and explosive. It may agitate the Fukishima area

Uranus square Jupiter – bringing us blind optimism and great impatience, wants to excitingly just jump into action (with good intention) but needs more careful planning and cool heads

Jupiter square Mars – restless desire to get on with things! While Mars is in its unusual retrograde period until late July, this is NOT the time for Jupiter to act as it is. It’s like you are stopping alcohol consumption and a buddy stops my encouraging you to go on a binge… Not good timing.

SO, put all of this together at the same time and you can see, or better yet, feel how critical this is. With all of these Cardinal energies being stirred, it’s not just what’s going to happen, we are also setting in motion new rules, new standards, new ways of being. Watching Jupiter closely we can see how 2 traits of this huge planet are becoming so meaningful: 1) Jupiter rules the Supreme Court and how are they going to do? Are they going to continue to favor big bux over its citizen’s well-being? Jupiter (rather Pluto going Sagittarius) gave us the Internet; what are we going to see in terms of large scale regulation and control? Pluto has just had a tiny bit of its underground exposed as we have discovered what happened with the NSA.

Don’t forget that the United States was born on July 4, 1776 WHEN THE SUN WAS AT THE 13TH DEGREE OF CANCER!!!! Therefore, if you rotate the diagram above, putting Jupiter right on top of the USA’s Sun, it would then oppose Pluto in the 7th house. Translation: it’s time we completely change how we deal with other countries. And, since the 7th house rules “open enemies”, or those we are aware of – they will act out against us at this time IF WE USE OUR POWER UNJUSTLY. Do not doubt this. We need to rethink and recategorize our common refrain of how “we are the best”, etc. – how is that playing out? What do other countries really think of our attitude? Do we really have the right to tell the Soviets what to do?

This puts Uranus in Aries at the top of the chart, inspiring the USA to take the lead once again, but not in a selfish way – always the warning to the zodiac’s first sign.

Then, we find a retrograde Mars going back and forth over the bottom of the chart. The USA is nervous as to where are we coming from. The nadir represents our heritage, and that is shaky at the moment. Are we acting from truth or from worn out laurels? What is true here as indecisive Mars in Libra is still studying how it wants to act. Fairness is always topmost in the mind of the Libra archetype. Basing our future on a platform of war and arms (Mars rules Aries; Ares rules War) is a questionable venture to say the least.

Finally, we find Jupiter, on the USA’s Sun in Cancer at 13 degrees. Don’t kid yourself; Jupiter is seldom a good-luck picnic.  However, this is a good sign. Jupiter is bringing out the best side of ourselves to the world but just like this huge red planet: are we promising and delivering or just talking? This is one big deal. The rest of the world has caught up with us. The TRUE American nature will be exposed for good or bad. With Pluto being assigned to chaperone this whole matter, BS will not be allowed on any side.

Remember, this Grand Cardinal Cross is happening for

all 7 billion inhabitants on this planet at the same time.

 I think you have probably heard enough. You will hear much more about this Cross.  I WARN YOU: be very careful and use an entire salt-shaker with each article you read or video you see on this subject. It will be a very bad and scary time and it will also be a wonderful time, really.

We all need to get off of our collective derrieres and do our part, quit being sheep, quit being afraid of speaking up, quit protecting peers who really aren’t thinking all of this through. We are the answer to each other and we must get through this very difficult time of Pluto in Capricorn until 2023 so that we can find relief in the Pluto in Aquarius Age. That time period will inherently help us to understand that what we do to another, we do to ourselves.

My favorite saying, “There is absolutely no hurry, but don’t waste a second.”

Love and peace of mind to all of you,

Rick and Liza

 2014 Rick DiClemente – starself.com © – All rights reserved


Author of “The Exquisite Zodiac

Starself Newsletter 99 – March 2014 “Be Yourself”

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The Life of Starself

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